TDD Kata 03: Prime Factors
Get Ready for TDD Katas with PHPUnit + PhpStorm
Are you a PHP developer looking to start with unit tests? Do you want to follow my weekly TDD Kata posts but don’t know how to start? Let’s get you set up step by step, so that you are ready to write your first test!
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TDD Kata 02: String Calculator
TDD Kata 01 – The Bowling Game
One of my goals for 2017 is to make TDD katas a part of my daily routine. What is a Kata? Just as in martial arts it is training through repetition, practicing the same exercise again and again until you can do it in your sleep.
Some would say, it is the only way to learn TDD. This makes sense for several reasons: you start in a small, protected scope and can apply pure test driven development. This way you are able to train the different mindset (the red-green-refactor cycle) without frustration. It means, you will not have to learn working around the quirks of a framework at the same time.
Continue reading “TDD Kata 01 – The Bowling Game”