No, I did not give up this series, but there was Developers Paradise (read my review!), then vacation, and I stepped back a bit.
Now there is enough material that it’s time for a new post:
Magento 2
- I try to make up for confusing class names and missing API docs here: Magento 2: difference between Api\SearchCriteriaBuilder and Api\Search\SearchCriteriaBuilder?
- A problem with unit tests and code generation: Generate factory or proxy in unit tests: “ReflectionException: Class …Factory does not exist”
- In Use preconfigured builders (e.g. for SearchCriteria) in Magento 2 I deal with specialized, reusable, side effect free builders.
- A small example for the usage of repositories of the service contracts: Get product collection with product ids
- And corresponding, my question when service contracts should not be used: Is there ever a reason to prefer $model->load() over service contracts?
- There might be observers that you don’t want to have. This is how you disable them: Remove Observer from third party extension
Magento 1
- A few tips for collections, that you might not know:
- Calculated columns: What is the use of addExpressionFieldToSelect over addFieldToSelect?
- Filter by calculated columns: CE1.9.2 – Filter Orders collection on hasInvoices()
- Filter by calculated columns in EAV: Filter Product Collection By Another Attribute In Product Collection eg ‘attribX’, array(‘gt’ => ‘attrib-Y’)
- How (not) to override a controller: Overwriting controller vs overwriting action controller request – Apparently there are still people doing it the old way