Last week: Anagrams
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I started in PHP with a naive array based solution, then changed it to a pipeline with generators which made the memory footprint small, but it still takes a minute for a 150 KB file and forever for the provided 3 MB test input file.
When I retried the kata the next day, I used two simple loops and one array and the file was processed in 1 second. It needs 182MB but okay. It’s fascinating how trying to be clever from the beginning has been proven to be a mistake.
Here’s the code
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Katas\Anagram; class Anagrams { private $wordsIterator; public function __construct($wordsIterator) { $this->wordsIterator = $wordsIterator; } public function __toString() : string { $result = []; foreach ($this->wordsIterator as $word) { if (!$word) continue; $chars = str_split($word); sort($chars); $key = implode($chars); $result[$key][] = $word; } foreach ($result as $index => $anagrams) { if (count($anagrams) < 2) { unset($result[$index]); } else { $result[$index] = implode(' ', $anagrams); } } return implode("\n", $result); } } class FileIterator implements \IteratorAggregate { /** * @var string */ private $fileName; public function __construct(string $fileName) { $this->fileName = $fileName; } public function getIterator() { $file = \fopen($this->fileName, 'r'); while (!\feof($file)) { $line = \fgets($file); if ($line) { yield \trim($line); } } } }
With Ruby, I tried collections once more, the filter/map approach feels more natural in Ruby than loops. It takes a bit more than 3 seconds, so there is room for improvement but it’s good enough (I still don’t know where my first approach in PHP failed so horribly):
class Anagrams def initialize words @words = words end def to_a @words.group_by{|w| w.chars.sort.join}{|a| a.count > 1} end def to_s{|a| a.join ' '}.join "\n" end end
And the test:
class AnagramsTest < Minitest::Test def test_no_anagrams assert_equal [],['aa', 'ab']).to_a end def test_duplicates assert_equal [],['aa', 'aa']).to_a end def test_all_anagrams assert_equal [['ab','ba']],['ab', 'ba']).to_a end def test_altogether assert_equal [['ab','ba'], ['abb','bab']],['ab', 'ba', 'aa','abb','bb', 'bab']).to_a end def test_to_string assert_equal "ab ba\nabb bab",['ab', 'abb', 'ba', 'bab']).to_s end def test_wordlist assert_equal 20683,"wordlist.txt")).to_a.count end end
Note that I tested the different cases for the to_a
method which returns an array and only wrote one test for the to_s
method to see if the string is formatted as expected. And of course, a test with the test wordlist to verify the requirements and see how long it takes.
Eleventh Kata: Reversed Binary Numbers
Your task will be to write a program for reversing binary numbers. For instance, the binary representation of 13 is 1101, and reversing it gives 1011, which corresponds to number 11.
Input: The input contains a single line with an integer N, 1 ≤ N ≤ 1000000000.
Output: Output one line with one integer, the number we get by reversing the binary representation of N.
Input | Output |
13 | 11 |
47 | 61 |
This kata is the third puzzle from