Here we go again, a summary of interesting posts from the last weeks:
Magento 2 CLI
- Use the Magento 2 profiler in CLI
TL;DR: with this workaround, you can activate the profiler in CLI scripts:
HTTP_ACCEPT="text/html" MAGE_PROFILER=csvfile bin/magento
- How do we tell CLI scripts that our document root is
? MAGE_DIRS bootstrap parameters in CLI – no answer yet, I fear this is not possible as of Magento 2.1
Magento 2 Extension Development
- I probably shouldn’t tell anyone, but there is a way to replace any core class with this little composer trick: How to override a zend class
- How to deploy public PHP files in Magento 2 extension? unanswered, +100 bounty
- Dependency Injection with dynamic constructor values – how would you pass constructor arguments to dependencies?
- Reasons to use the layout when instantiating blocks programmatically: Dynamically created blocks: layout->createBlock() or blockFactory->create()?
- This is more a rant than a question, it seems like without core hacks it is not possible as of Magento 2.1: Get frontend category URL in admin area with correct base URL
- Force products collection to use EAV instead of flat table, still has +100 bounty
Magento 2 Translation
- How to translate core Magento modules and create a CSV translation file per module? – short answer: you don’t.
Magento Product Import
- Why you shouldn’t use HTML encoded characters everywhere: How to import product name with ™ and ® symbol?
Magento 1 Best Practices
- What does Varien_Object_Cache do and should you use it? Magento 1: using Mage::objects() to cache models
- A little explanation of the relation between and cron.php: Is adding “$isShellDisabled = true; ” in “cron.php” recommended?
Magento 1 Tipps
- How to add a missing feature: ACL for the tabs on the order view page: set acl permission for tabs in sales order view
- How to purge (delete) credit card numbers stored on Magento