Magento 2 Integration Tests: @magentoConfigFixture

I did not find a good documentation on how to use the @magentoConfigFixture annotation for configuration fixtures in Magento 2 integration tests, so here is my summary after inspecting the core code (Magento 2.1.0, Magento\TestFramework\Annotation\ConfigFixture)

How to use @magentoConfigFixture

Set default value 42 for configuration path x/y/z:

 * @magentoConfigFixture default/x/y/z 42

Set store specific value 42 for configuration path x/y/z in store with code store1

 * @magentoConfigFixture store1_store x/y/z 42

Set store specific value 42 for configuration path x/y/z in current store (i.e. default store)

 * @magentoConfigFixture current_store x/y/z 42

These are all possible formats. The first parameter must end with _store or be ommitted. And if it is omitted, the path must start with default/, otherwise it is ignored.


  • You cannot set configuration values on website level
  • Do not use “current” as a real store code, otherwise you cannot use config fixtures for that store