Today, Joshua Warren asked an interesting question on Twitter:
Feature flags in Magento (1|2). Any open source modules for it yet? At least a common approach? @allanmacgregor @jcowie @fbrnc #realmagento
— Joshua Warren (@JoshuaSWarren) 14. November 2015
I had thought about the topic earlier and if some genereric feature flag module would be worth developing. My conclusion was that it was too trivial in the end and I would just build feature toggles as needed for the respective project.
Feature Toggles: What and Why?
Feature toggles are a way to roll out partially developed features and keep them disabled in production, so it is often mentioned in the context of continuous delivery. They support the “ship early and often” paradigm and decouple code deployment from feature activation.
But feature toggles (or “feature flags”) also can be used to roll out new features gradually, for example only for a certain customer group, based on user location, or for randomly selected users, as with A/B testing.
Magento 1: Example
This is how I have implemented feature flags for a Magento 1 project. I only needed to activate the features per store, so it’s leveraging Magento system configuration for toggling.
Toggle Helper
This helper contains only constants for each feature flag and a isEnabled()
class Foo_Bar_Helper_Toggle { const FEATURE_NEW_AWESOME_FEATURE = 'foo_bar/features/new_awesome_feature'; // a few more ... public function isEnabled($feature) { return Mage::getStoreConfigFlag($feature); } }
Code With Toggleable Features
class Foo_Bar_Model_Something protected $toggle; public function _construct() { $this->toggle = Mage::helper('foo_bar/toggle'); } public function thisIsAMethodUsingTheNewFeature() { if ($this->toggle->isEnabled(Foo_Bar_Helper_Toggle::FEATURE_NEW_AWESOME_FEATURE)) { // do the new stuff } } }
or if we need to add a new block in layout XML, it can be created outside the hierarchy and conditionally inserted:
<layout> <default> <block name="new_awesome_block" type="core/template" template="foo_bar/block.html" /> <reference name="content"> <action ifconfig="foo_bar/features/new_awesome_feature" method="append"> <block>new_awesome_block</block> </action> </reference> </default> </layout>
That’s it?
Yes. As stated above, for my purposes so far it was enough to enable features per store, so using a configuration flag and this very simple API was enough. If I needed to toggle features based on other factors to roll it out gradually, I would probably try to integrate the nice Qandidate Toggle library, but until now, it was not necessary.
Magento 2: Module
James Cowie chimed in with this announcement:
@allanmacgregor @fschmengler @JoshuaSWarren @fbrnc I started adding
— jcowie (@jcowie) 14. November 2015
@akent99 @allanmacgregor @fschmengler @JoshuaSWarren @fbrnc Type being, IP based, User, Time, Date, Geo it does not matter to renderer
— jcowie (@jcowie) 14. November 2015
The module is work in progress, but as it’s planned to implement conditions, it might be worth keeping an eye on it!
Are you working with feature toggles? If so, how?